Tenant mix is one of the main drivers of NOI growth. When looking at a market, local demographics can help you calculate the expected NOI of a multifamily property investment.
Imagine you and your team are looking to invest in affordable retirement communities in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. What does the population look like? Are retirees moving in? Is the market aligned with your investment goals?
CENSAI market reports offer demographic filtering for drilling down into population subsets and discovering accurate data about them. Demographic filtering is available for reporting on states, CBSAs, counties, zip codes, and custom-defined boundaries using the draw tool.
Filter options include:
- Gender
- Age
- Income
- Education
- Households with or without children
- Homeowners versus renters
You and your team decide to focus on people 55 and over with a household income of $40,000 or higher.

With key filters in place, you can view inflows and outflows for Myrtle Beach’s retiree population. CENSAI data shows a positive migration trend going back to Q1 2018. It’s a strong lead for further market analysis, and only CENSAI allows you to dive deeper.

Demographic filtering saves you the time and legwork of tracking down the details you need to truly understand the market. Try it today for free. Sign up for the CENSAI platform and explore how market reports deliver detailed insights into markets across the U.S.